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Since WWII, there has been a desire to create an Arab coalition in Middle East. Egyptian Prime Minister Nasser was among the famous one who had followed the desire but failed to do so. He tried to do so by asserting military power since the economy was weak. Naturally, his reign was short-lived since no military power can be supported with an economy which is not in similar level as its military power. Soviet Russia was also a primary example for this, too.
Now, we see Egypt, Jordan and Iraq discussing strengthening regional security and improving cooperation.

Naturally, it is logical to create such alliance starting by economic and cultural creativities. That is what have witnessed while the foundation of EU had been established after WWII. However, such alliance is very difficult to create. There are many reasons for it.
First and most of all, the interest of these nations differ from each other. They have differences in terms of democracy and resource. Secondly, states like Iraq and Syria are the center of clashes between Turkey and Iran. Both nations see Syria and Iraq should be under their influences. Thus, construes such coalition has to deal with regional powers, too. Third; leadership – Saudi Arabia and Egypt see themselves as natural leadership of such alliance and have disagreements among themselves. Fourth; Religion – there are Sunni and Shia nations and it would be extremely difficult to create such alliances among themselves.
Although the way to create such alliance seems to be correct, the ideological differences as well as lack of resources would create obstacles to create such alliance.