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It is important to follow your interest. As much as your interest, you will be willing to take put. That means interests, advantages and opportunities. Since US has taken the control of the maritime in the world, UK seems lost its way. But nowadays, UK is looking at the Indo-Pacific region where it recognizes the global economic growth and trade opportunities will be driven by this region. Therefore, Britain sees its biggest state-based threat as China but not Russia according to a paper called “Global Britain in Competitive Age” published by British government. The paper aims to redefine main threats to Britain interests and a new strategy to protect these interests while redefining its role in international system.


Britain has joined with US and Australia to form a military allegiance in Indo-Pacific region against China although it is not loudly said. Following Brexit, its trade with EU have declined. In order to fill the gap, Britain has been strengthening its relations with the countries in Indo-Pacific regions. It signed Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement which is a free trade deal with TCP nations.
Britain knows that strong and big trades should be protected by strong navy and army. Therefore, Britain announced that it would replace its Type 45 destroyers with Type 83 destroyers by late 2030 and would replace Vanguard-class nuclear submarines with Dreadnaught-class submarines by early 2030s. HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Price of Wales aircrafts are already commissioned. These achievements and plans are the highlights of British Navy restoration in order to protect its interests in Indo-Pacific.

Britain still needs allies and US although it strengthens its maritime capabilities. Therefore, London will persuade an active foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific region while London expands its expansion.