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The new Chancellor will be decided by early December 2021. Angela Merkel has led the German government for 16 years. At that time she has witnessed the 2008 economic crisis, implementation of EU and immigration crisis 2015. Under her governance, Germany becamse a dominant power in EU. She has not used military power, he has not used diplomacy or pressure on foreign countries. German became the fourth-largest economic power in the world. She deserved a much credit for it.


But now, Germany needs a different approach due to changing condition in EU and globe. Naturally, Germany would like to see a strong Chancellor like Merkel in next years but there are different problems now. Therefore, the upcoming Chancellor will have different approaches to various problems.
Following Brexit, there might be more nations following this path. It is vital for Chancellor to unite the EU. If EU will be fragmented, it is an issue but if EU will be broken into pieces then Germany will be also affected. Most of the EU nations have various groups representing in respective countries and every nations have different interests. Some wants to see the financial aid programme continuing and some demand to terminate it, some are fearful from Russian pipelines into Europe, some wants to leave the support Italian debt issue. All these needs to be united and ruled with an acceptable cohesion policies.
Everybody believes that the new German Chancellor will find a way to manage it. There is a strong belief that Germany will manage the EU and find amicable solutions to problems. But what is, the new Chancellor will not?
Merkel has united the EU and the new Chancellor needs to keep the EU as one. Germany has to use its economy like glue to keep the EU not thorn into pieces. So far, neither Germans nor the German government seem interested to think various solutions to various different parties in Europe.
The new Chancellor job description is not easy. Moreover, new Chancellor has to find amicable solutions to all parties. For that Germany has to share and use its economic power. So far Berlin has avoid using it. The future of EU belongs how much new Chancellor will share the wealth with other nations.