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Hezbollah has evolved since 1980s to become Lebanon’s dominant political actor and destabilizing force. It has ruined all its relation with its Arab neighbors, it contributed even not at most but considerably the collapse of Lebanese political system, has not helped to recover economy, skyrocketed inflation and cause youngster to fled to developed countries for works and better humanitarian conditions. With less success and less bright outlook for future, it shall be reconsidered “what is the purpose of Hezbollah in Lebanon?”


One of the core founding principle of Hezbollah is to champion social justice and defend the disadvantaged and oppressed. And for that Hezbollah uses religion without any hesitations under the concept of “jihad”.
“Jihad” is very simple to understand but it has been politicized by many for their purposes. Medieval scholars of Islamic law delineated two basic forms of armed jihad: defensive jihad, an armed struggle against invaders; and aggressive jihad, a preemptive or offensive attack commissioned by a political authority. In two forms, civilians are not targeted.
Hezbollah describes itself as faith based Islamic jihadist movement. Its key objectives are defined as defending Lebanon against Israel aggression, establishing Islamic Republic similar as in Iran. Sunni considers Jihad as waging war against infidel to expand Islam’s domain whereas Shiites perceives as fighting injustice within Islam. The group has tried to transform itself as national liberation movement but failed to be one. The assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri indicated that they cannot transform into a political entity peacefully. In 2020, there was a big port explosion. The judge was ousted by the group since judge was most likely under the impression that the explosives in the port belonged to Hezbollah. The port explosion ended up with 200 death and tens of billions to economy.
Still, Hezbollah believes that they are moving with its objectives of creating an Islamic state in Lebanon but they are losing the trust of people while distancing itself away from being championing social justice. Hezbollah will remain as an important figure in the region for some time but its objectives and reality start going into opposite directions. While the group actions distance its image from its objectives, it creates concerns about its purposes as of now and in future.
There are less achieved and still more promises for future. Youngsters are leaving the country since they have no hope for future. Since Hezbollah losses its credibility, it creates the concern “what is the purpose of Hezbollah in Lebanon?”