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What are the options from here in Brexit?

28 - 09 - 2019

As you know, PM Johnson has taken a serious hit from Supreme Court which rules that Prime Minister's decision to suspend the parliament until October 14 was unlawful. Geopolitic Compass stated that


US-China and Russia relations would reach to a new equilibrium and then to a new conflict…

14 - 09 - 2019

President Trump has announced that US would delay the new tariff from 1st of October to 15th of October. It has given a glimpse it might help both to reach a consensus but we believe it is too far


Brexit’s dreadful consequences continue…

07 - 09 - 2019

Following the rebellion led to a resounding defeat of his uncompromising Brexit policy, 7 former cabinet members and 14 Conservative MPs, resigned from their position. This has been the biggest purge


German Central Bank warns Germany likely to head into recession

07 - 09 - 2019

The German government started to give some signs of greater flexibility on spending early last month. There are some rumors that there might be a stimulus plan Berlin works on putting together. The


Brexit goes nowhere but failure….But the genuine problem is completely different…

31 - 08 - 2019

On August 28, Queen Elizabeth accepted a request from PM Johnson to suspend the parliamentary sessions between September 9 and October 14. Although insisted that the negotiations with EU Block over a


Can UK avoid no deal Brexit?

17 - 08 - 2019

UK Parliament is in the middle of summer recess and would resume to working in the first of week of September. However, PM Johnson still insists that UK would be out of the EU on October 31 even if it