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What does “US Innovation and Competition Act” means?

15 - 07 - 2021

The Senate passed rare bipartisan legislation on Tuesday aimed at countering China's growing influence by investing more than $200 billion in American technology, science and research on 8 June


Effects of US Withdrawal from Afghanistan

15 - 07 - 2021

As US withdraws from Afghanistan, it becomes evident that several countries have core interests in the region. In Northwest of Pakistan, there was an explosion killing 13 people on bus terminal


Delta Virus Threats the EU Economic Recovery

14 - 07 - 2021

Governments in EU may not be willing to bring the previous robust restrictions however the increasing numbers create worrisome to EU and developing countries. VIDEO Due to its


Turkish choices come with costs in Idlib

14 - 07 - 2021

Well, Russia puts a great pressure to Turkey in Idlib by cutting the Turkish humanitarian aid to Idlib. And that would ultimately provoke attacks from Turkish backed militant groups which ultimately


Iran Policy Relies on Deception

09 - 07 - 2021

According to Sun Tzu's (Chinese general lived BC 554) 'way of deception' is 'to as much as possible increase our advantageous conditions and reduce the adversary's advantageous


Can Arab Block be on its way?

03 - 07 - 2021

Since WWII, there has been a desire to create an Arab coalition in Middle East. Egyptian Prime Minister Nasser was among the famous one who had followed the desire but failed to do so. He tried to do