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Israel President Rivlin has decided to give the first round of forming government to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. However, in order to avoid a third election all parties shall give compromises if they want to be in the government.
Although the Arab dominated Joint List had shown progress in the elections, Avigdor Liebermann’s Israel Beiteinu party is the key party. Netanyahu has 55 seats and Benny Gantz’s Blue and White party has 54 seats. Liebermann has 8 votes. According to constitution, a government can be formed in the Knessnet with 61 seats. Therefore it is important to attract Liebermann into their side. The name of the game is compromise;
- Corruption – Netanyahu trial creates an obstacle between Liebermann and Netanyahu. Israel Beiteinu and Blue & White parties supporters want Netanyahu to be in trail. However Likuid party wants to pass a law to shield any trial when Netanyahu is the Knesset. It is a hard sell to parties’ supporters.

- Ultra-Orthodox – The weight of ultra-orthodox influence increase in Israel. Parties must decide what to about those while they have effect on population. Likud cannot stand alone letting go its importance alliance.
Due to legislation, there is two months window to compose a government. Therefore, we assume the negotiations would proceed fast. The new structure of the government will allow us to see the priorities of Israel in coming years. We would observe if there might be a hope between Israel and Palestine.
But so far, it is unlikely.